Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Updates online

I should humbly accept that the reason for not being able to update the blog was the heavy workload. Further, my co-host Ananth has also been travellling extensively thereby had let all you reader down. We shall try our level best to come back on track and update regularly.




The recession had it the Ralph Club as well with Members opting for greener pastures in life hence putting the bread and butter before the club. We had seen firstly our Danish banker, then Top Gun Chanaka followed by Charter President Chandana then Telephony Ananth and finally logistical expert Nalin. All of them have moved to Australia on short notice. While wishing them the best of luck, let me take this opportunity to invite them if possible to join us for the Ovation 2009 under our Governor Balraj's tenure.

We Sri Lankans are sure that the country will bounce back to normalcy very soon. Look forward to the day when we shall be the greener pasture for so many humans all over the globe.

Green it was and shall be soon..!

Meeting 17 2009 - 6th May 2009